Founded in March 2021 by a visionary team of young and talented individuals, our company embarked on a mission to bring the rich heritage of Afghanistan to the world. At the heart of our endeavor lies a commitment to providing authentic Afghan products, with a focus on the vibrant flavors and traditional craftsmanship of our homeland.
Specializing in Afghan dry fruits, we take pride in offering a taste of Afghanistan’s abundant orchards. Our range, carefully curated, embodies the essence of quality and authenticity. We have established a presence not only across India but also throughout Europe, connecting cultures through the universal language of taste and tradition.While our current offerings center on dry fruits, our ambition extends beyond.
Our catalog also includes other genuine Afghan treasures, such as handwoven carpets, aromatic herbs, and exquisite stones – a testament to Afghanistan’s rich artistic and natural heritage. Our philosophy is built on the foundation of trust, quality, and authenticity. We believe in forming lasting relationships with our customers, whether through retail or wholesale, by ensuring every product we sell is a genuine ambassador of Afghan craftsmanship. As we grow, we remain dedicated to our vision.</div<